S.T.O.R.M  TEAM storm1

S.T.O.R.M. is a qualified, small population of students who are a part of our dojo’s leadership curriculum and are in search of increased understanding and application of karate, possess/desire the types of leadership traits needed to WIN in their future, have aspirations of learning about business through the eyes of an entrepreneur, and/or would like to be an Assistant Instructor, Instructor, camp counselor, student leader, and more!
A few key perks:
  • Inclusion in our exclusive leadership curriculum
    • fosters self empowerment, effective teamwork and leadership, instills/fortifies the black belt qualities, promotes community service, etc.
  • FREE access to seminars and specialized training
  • Invaluable insight and on-the-job experience in the martial arts business model
  • Use of STORM related activities for community service hours
  • Compensated, part-time work hours
  • ….and MUCH MORE!
This comprehensive set of experiences will aid STORM members in equipping them for personal and academic success….and beyond!  If interested in the full details, participant eligibility, or how to apply for our STORM program, please contact us to schedule a meeting/conference.